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Research Spotlight

Spotlight on Dr. Sungkyun Lim

Electrical Engineering Professor Sungkyun Lim’s research is in the analysis and design of antennas for wireless communication. He has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers in major journals and conferences. Dr. Lim is a Senior Member of IEEE. He and his team of graduate and undergraduate students in Georgia Southern University’s Antennas and Wireless Propagation laboratory share a common goal of turning the lab into a nationally recognized research facility in the analysis and design of antennas for wireless propagations.

Dr. Lim’s research focuses on analysis and design of antennas for wireless communications, small antennas, supergain arrays, wreless energy harvest, propagation modeling, wireless sensors, RFID, GPS/GNSS, mobile phone antennas, metamaterials, optimization methods and radar. For more information please visit the Antennas and Wireless Propagation (AWP) Lab.

Case Studies

Wireless Power Transfer

As one of the applications of this work, Lim was awarded a Georgia Research for Academic Partnership in Engineering (GRAPE) grant from Georgia Power/Southern Company for research on “Wireless energy harvest for self-powered wireless sensors using dissipated electromagnetic fields.” Lim and his research team are studying how wireless sensors can automatically be charged wirelessly using electromagnetic fields and using electrically small supergain arrays.

Read the Wireless Power Transfer Case Study (PDF)

Realization of Cyber-Security for IEEE 802.15-Based Wireless Sensors

Dr. Lim was awarded a second GRAPE grant for the project “Realization of cyber-security/intrusion risk free zone for IEEE 802.15-based wireless sensor technologies by controlling the propagation of RF signals.” The goal of this second GRAPE project is to achieve physical cyber security for wireless sensors in power plants/buildings by controlling radio frequency (RF) signals using directive antennas instead of omnidirectional antennas.

Read the Cyber-Security for IEEE 802.15-based Wireless Sensors Case Study (PDF)[/

The GNSS Competitive Assessment
In another industry grant for a project called “The GNSS competitive assessment,” Lim and his research team are investigating satellite wireless communication systems for better performance in tractor and combines. The project is funded by AGCO.

Read the GNSS Competitive Assessment Case Study (PDF)[/

Last updated: 8/23/2018